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Science Standards


Science Standards are now in place throughout the US and much of the world. Looking at dozens of state and national standards we see large differences in the format and language and many similarities in content and approaches. Nearly all stress an understanding of the process of science and the integrity of science, along with understanding concepts of energy and energy transfer, forces, motion and position, light, heat, and electricity. Many include performing mathematical computations, estimating, and graphing. Most include making and understanding the concepts of models and systems. Many express the need for creative and critical thinking skills being part of the science experience.

Kids Invent! Creative Learning Activities cover these processes and content areas. You can choose which CLA will meet your needs and students’ interest by referring to the above table.

Participating in a single activity will not guarantee that students will have mastered the subject. We suggest you look for the extensions suggested in the CLAs and that you conduct other activities that cover the same topics. Students need to experience the concepts and processes in different ways over a period of time to truly comprehend them.

The value of CLAs is that they present a natural way of inquiry learning that appeals to the broadest spectrum of intelligence types and they develop problem solving and creative thinking skills. In other words, the CLAs mimic the experiences that professional scientists, engineers, and inventors encounter. And, students enjoy the experience and want to do more – which is the best sign of a successful learning experience.

I used to hate science because I did not know much of it. Now I love science because I can build stuff.
Seattle student completing an invention.


Kids engaged in testing their aluminum canoes.

 Kids Invent! activities makes learning scientific principles fun.