Thank you so much for the email! Isn't this area a
beautiful place in which to live...especially when it's sunny?!
I was delighted to find this (the Kids Invent!) web
site, as it will cut my planning time considerably. I teach at a small but
wonderful Christian school in Gig Harbor. Once a month we have what I have
called a "Friday Fun Challenge", where I give all the students (from
grades 1 to grade 5) a creative problem. We discuss the criteria, or the
scientific principles of which they need to be aware, and then they try to
solve the problem. They usually work in mixed age groups, and I can tell
you they absolutely love these days. We've done all sorts of exciting
things, but I've either built the ideas myself, or grabbed something from
a gifted curriculum and expanded it. It's a lot of work! It is worth it,
though, and is so exciting to see how they have grown in their ability to
solve, think and create - and work together!
So truly, THANK YOU. You know I will be using these
activities: in fact, my family tried out your 'straw flutes' last night at
a restaurant, and had us laughing so hard we cried. We really needed that
laughter too!
Have a great day!