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Reading List

Books by
Ed Sobey, Ph.D.

Loco Motion: Physics Models for the Classroom 2005.

Just when you thought that all of the approaches to teaching inquiry-based, problem-solving skills through science investigations had been attempted, Loco Motion: Physics Models for the Classroom comes along with something new. Zephyr Press. $24.95

Read the NSTA (National Science Teachers Association) review.


Inventing Toys: Kids having Fun Learning Science. 2001.

Transform a classroom into an inventor’s laboratory with these detailed lesson plans. Shows how to lead kids to invent cars, boats, rockets and more. Zephyr Press. $24.95

Young Inventors at Work – Learning Science by Doing Science. 1999.

Activities for your inventors and stories to be read aloud. One of only three science-learning books recommended by US News and World Report (February 2000). Good Year Books. $15.95

Inventing Stuff. 1996.

This is the one guide for kids who want to invent. Complete, fun and inspirational. rates it 5 Stars. Dale Seymour Publications. $12.95

How to enter and win an invention contest. 1999.

Entering an invention contest? This is the one (and only) book designed to help you do well in invention contests. 1999. Enslow. $20.95



How to Build an Award-winning Robot. 2002.

Guides kids and adults to building their first robot. This is the easiest and most direct way to enter the field of robotics. $23.



Just Plane Smart. 1997.

Every kid who boards an airplane needs this book. Even big kids will love the flying facts and trivia, history and science and flying activities. McGraw-Hill. $7.95


Fantastic Flying Fun with Science. 2000.

You’ll make rockets, Frisbees, airplanes, boomerangs and more in this book of easy to assemble flying models. McGraw-Hill $11.95


Wacky Water Fun with Science. 2000.

Make boats, a submarine and a waterwheel. Or, do wet and wild science demonstrations. Just add water and you’re good to go. McGraw-Hill. $11.95


Wrapper Rockets and Trombone Straws – Science at Every Meal. 1997.

Fun science experiments to conduct while waiting for the pizza to arrive. McGraw-Hill $14.95


Professor Ed Sobey is a nationally acclaimed author and recognized expert in children’s creativity and innovation. Professor Sobey is the Chief Creativity Officer for Kids Invent!